My own:
- Calls with Kent
- Chats with Kent
- Remix Podcast
- EpicReact.dev Podcast
- 3 Minutes with Kent
- React30
- JavaScriptAir
- AngularAir
- Guidance Counselor 2.0: Episode 425 - Start Showing Up and Get Off Your Couch w/ Kent Dodds
- HTML All The Things Podcast: AI Has Broken the Web Developer Job Market w/ Kent C. Dodds
- Next Gen Web Podcast: AI in programming, Remix, Next.js, PESPA & more with Kent C. Dodds | THE NEXT GEN WEB PODCAST #12
- The BBoJS Podcast: Kent C. Dodds: Leaving $150K at PayPal to Build Epic Million-Dollar Courses | BBoJS #4
- PodRocket: Vanishing Network with Kent C. Dodds
- Frontend Happy Hour: Career Journey with Kent C. Dodds: From PayPal to Full-Time Educator | Sips of Wisdom
- Modern.Web Podcast: Kent C. Dodds on Trading Angular for React, Launching EpicWeb.dev, + What's Next for EpicReact.dev
- The Save File: The Save File Ep 2 - Kent C. Dodds
- Database School with Aaron Francis: Migrating from Postgres to SQLite with Kent C. Dodds
- Fireside Chats With Devs in Tech Community: Fireside Chat with Kent C. Dodds
- Open Source Hour: Open Source Hour: Epic Web w/ @kentcdodds
- The Angular Plus Show: A+ Show S7 E3 | Remixing Web Development | Kent C. Dodds
- ConTejas Code: Kent C. Dodds: Create Epic Web Experiences with Remix feat. React Server Components
- The Work Item Podcast - Debugging Paths to Tech Career Growth, Byte by Byte: #71 - Going Solo As A Developer Educator, with Kent C. Dodds
- Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots: 503: Epic Web And Remix With Kent C. Dodds
- Podrocket: Why I won’t use Next.js with Kent C. Dodds
- The Coder Career: Kent C. Dodds (Creator of Epic Web, React Testing Library and Co-Founder of Remix) | The past, the present and the future of web dev!
- alphalist Podcast: Episode #72 - Kent C. Dodds // Co-Founder of Remix
- Cloudinary DevJams Live-Streams: DevJams Live-Stream: Image Loading Enhancements with Cloudinary, Tailwind and Base64 Encoding
- Podrocket: The Epic Stack with Kent C. Dodds
- Podrocket: Fully Typed Web Apps with Kent C. Dodds
- Podrocket: Your testing questions answered
- The Hanselminutes Podcast: Become a more confident developer with Kent C. Dodds
- Building With People For People: The Unfiltered Build Podcast: Ep. 17: May the test be with you - Becoming a Jedi test master with Kent C. Dodds
- Podrocket: Remix and the web’s next transition with Kent C. Dodds
- JavaScript Jabber: Remix and EpicWeb.dev with Kent C. Dodds - JSJ 554
- Compressed.fm: Building Better Websites with Remix
- Wix Engineering Podcast: Be The Best At What You Do: Learning, Growth and Communities (Wix Engineering Podcast)
- The 6 Figure Developer Podcast: Remix with Kent C. Dodds
- This Dot Labs: State of React Ecosystem
- FedBites podcast: Kent C. Dodds Comes to Israel | FedBites Episode 6
- Unicorn Finders Podcast: TUF w/Remix.run - Full Stack Web Framework Focused on the UI
- Semaphore Uncut: Kent C. Dodds on How to Build Better Websites with Remix
- Guidance Counselor 2.0: Episode 127 - Networking, Becoming an Independent, and PayPal w/ Kent C. Dodds
- JSParty: Remix helps bridge the network chasm
- HackerRank: Remixing the Classics with Kent C. Dodds
- The NX Show: All things Remix w/ Kent C. Dodds
- TechChat Tuesdays: TechChat Tuesdays #43: Dev News, SPA patterns, an an interview with Kent C. Dodds
- Whiskey Web and Whatnot: The Beauty of Remix, Falling for Tailwind, and Why EFTs Are a Scam with Kent C. Dodds
- Software Engineering Daily: Learning React with Kent C. Dodds
- PodRocket: PodRocket 048: Epic React, quality content, and office hours with Kent C. Dodds (video)
- JSParty: Getting hooked on React
- Café con Tech: Testing, React, Typescript and Remix with Kent C. Dodds
- The Scrimba Podcast: Intentional career building with Kent C. Dodds
- A Geek Leader Podcast: AGL 207: Catching up with Kent C. Dodds
- Countdown To The Moon: Countdown to the Moon (1349) with Kent C. Dodds
- Junior to Senior with David Guttman: Ask The Experts w/ Scott Hanselman, Wes Bos, Sarah Drasner, Troy Hunt, and Kent C. Dodds Part 2
- Junior to Senior with David Guttman: Ask The Experts w/ Scott Hanselman, Wes Bos, Sarah Drasner, Troy Hunt, and Kent C. Dodds Part 1
- devMode.fm: Episode 97: An Epic React chat with Kent C. Dodds
- Developer Tea: Teaching in Public w/ Kent C. Dodds (part 2)
- Developer Tea: Teaching in Public w/ Kent C. Dodds (part 1)
- Software Engineering Unlocked: Episode 29: No mocks allowed – A testing discussion with Kent C. Dodds
- Developmentor: Kent C. Dodds – Software Quality Instructor and World Renowned Speaker #100
- Frontend Social: Catch up with Kent!
- Egghead.io Podcast: Kent C. Dodds Chats About How Epic React was Designed for Learner Success
- React Podcast: 112: Kent C. Dodds on Epic React
- Software Engineering Unlocked: Episode 24: Why you should double down on integration tests with Kent C. Dodds
- Software Engineering Daily: React Best Practices with Kent Dodds
- The Entrepreneurial Coder Podcast: #19 - Kent C. Dodds - How To Replace Your Salary by Creating Content
- The Stack Overflow Podcast: Podcast: A Few Of Our Favorite Things About React
- Better Coding Podcast: Kent C. Dodds: Managing a Business and Contributing to Open Source | Better Coding Podcast #7
- CodeCareer.io Podcast: EP6 Kent C Dodds - JavaScript, teaching, and personal missions
- Duck Tapes: Kent C. Dodds Mix
- Applitools: Testing Tips & Trips Podcast: Season 1, Episode 03
- React Podcast: 47: Develop Your Career with Kent C Dodds
- devpath.fm: JavaScript Expert and Content Creator Kent C. Dodds
- React RoundUp: RRU 043: Testing React Apps Without Testing Implementation Details with Kent C. Dodds
- React Podcast: 21: Delete Your Components with Kent C. Dodds
- A Geek Leader Podcast: AGL 059: Kent C. Dodds
- Modern Web: The Podcast: S05E12 Modern Web Podcast - Testing
- React Round Up: Advanced Component Patterns and Downshift with Kent C. Dodds
- TestTalks: JavaScript Testing Using Jest with Kent C. Dodds
- newsbundle.js: Future of React explained; #03.1 and Future of React with Kent C. Dodds; #03.2
- Workshop.me: E1 - Kent C. Dodds, Testing, React, TC39
- Fixate on Code: 16 - Kent C. Dodds
- Adventures in Angular: My Angular Story 020: Kent C. Dodds
- Web of Tomorrow: 44: How to Jumpstart Your Career - Kent C. Dodds
- Full Stack Radio: 79: Kent C. Dodds - Building Reusable React Components with Render Props
- #!hashbang: HashBang Episode 5: Assert(js) panel: Kent C. Dodds, Justin Searls, Gleb Bahmutov and Brian Mann
- JAMStack Radio: Ep. #23, Introduction to Downshift and Glamorous
- I.T. Career Energizer: Episode 35 - Learn, Build, and Teach with Kent C. Dodds
- NADCAST: Kent C. Dodds
- Tyler McGinnis Podcast: Work/Life Balance, Education, and Open Source with Kent C. Dodds
- Developer on Fire: Episode 239 | Kent C. Dodds - Nice and Inclusive
- The Changelog: First-time Contributors and Maintainer Balance
- Dads in Development: Episode 12: CSS Modules (and CSS in JS)
- Career.js: Ep. 3 - How to Level Up Your Career with Kent C. Dodds
- This Developing Story: Ep. 56 - Kent C. Dodds
- Adventures in Angular: 022 AiA Form Validation with Kent C. Dodds
- The Web Platform Podcast: Teaching and Learning Angular
- Modern Web Podcast: S01E03 - ES6, Beard of Jeff Cross, Air Squats, and JavaScript Air with Kent C. Dodds and Ben Lesh
- The Web Behind: Kent C. Dodds
Interviews & Chats
- TKYT - Teach Kelvin Your Thing: Full-stack web dev on The Epic Stack with Kent C. Dodds
- SimonSwiss Dev's YouTube channel: Building Epic Rockets with Kent C. Dodds 🚀🪐
- WeAreDevelopers: Coffee with Developers: Creating Courses, Quality Software and Live Streams with Kent C. Dodds, Software Engineer Educator
- Netlify Live streams: Live: Working with Remix Form Data on Netlify
- Strapi Conf 2022: Handling Content on the Modern Web (Panel Discussion)
- Learn with Jason: Remix Stacks
- TestJS Summit 2021: Panel Discussion – Future of Web Testing
- React Summit Remote Edition 2021: Fire-Side Chat with Kent C. Dodds
- DEVS Answer by Honeypot: DEVS ANSWER: Kent C. Dodds
- React Summit 2020: Panel Discussion on Testing: Tomasz Łakomy, Iris Schaffer, Kent C. Dodds, Sophie Au
- TakeShape: singing the praises of remix and tailwind - kent "chris" dodds
- codeSTACKr Developer Interviews: Intentional Career Building with Kent C. Dodds // React Advanced London Interview
- Gonzalo Pozzo Livestream: Chatting with Kent C. Dodds about teaching, React and dad jokes, first english stream
- Learn with Jason: How to write tests for your Gatsby sites and apps with Kent C. Dodds
- This.JavaScript: This.JavaScript: State of Testing
- O'Reilly Media: Interview with Kent C. Dodds (O'Reilly Fluent Conference 2016)
- Modern Web Podcast: O'Reilly FluentConf 2016 - JavaScript 2016 and The "Good 'Ol Days" of the Internet (Part 2 of 2)
- Modern Web Podcast: O'Reilly FluentConf 2016 - @getify love, best talks, conferences, wizard hats, and pajamas (Part 1 of 2)
- The Web's Next Transition: Kent C. Dodds at QCon London
- jutarnji.hr: U Zadar dolazi čovjek kojega nije lako dobiti na svoju pozornicu, promijenio je živote milijunima ljudi
- GitNation: Kent C. Dodds: Consume, build, and teach — and level up your career
- Marriott School of Business: An Epic Impact
- paysa blog: Expert Roundup: Coding Bootcamps
- onalytica Influencer Library: Digital Inclusion and Accessibility: Top 100 Influencers and Brands (I'm #29)
- techbeacon.com: 41 JavaScript experts to follow on Twitter
- opensource.com: Tips from a software engineer for a balanced life