KCD Office Hours
Once a week, Kent is available for an hour to answer any questions you have. This is especially helpful for KCD Learning Clubs but everyone is invited. Office hours is held on Zoom (you need to be logged into your Zoom account to join).
Office Hours are held weekly on Thursdays at 9:30-10:30 AM Mountain Time.
I also live stream it to my YouTube Channel where you'll find recordings of previous office hours.
To join, simply join the Epic Web Discord community, and jump in the
channel to ask
questions and get the links that I share with my responses.
When the meeting begins, join the Zoom meeting using this link: kcd.im/office-hours-zoom.
I often answer questions posted in the Discord channel, but people who are actually in the Zoom call get priority.
You can find my schedule for office hours on my live streaming calendar which you can find on /live.