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Calls with Kent C. Dodds.

You call, I'll answer.

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What's this all about?

The goal of the Call Kent Podcast is to get my answers to your questions. You record your brief question (120 seconds or less) right from your browser. Then I listen to it later and give my response, and through the magic of technology (ffmpeg), our question and answer are stitched together and published to the podcast feed.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Record your call

Calls with Kent C. Dodds Season 5 — 8 episodes

04.What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

qwik, partial, hydration


What do you think about resumability and Qwik? About 9 months ago, there was talk about Wiz and Angular working more closely together (Wiz was the tool that inspired Qwik). But Angular only committed to working on partial hydration support, not the full resumability like Qwik. So do you think React developers should care about this? If so, should they use partial hydration tools like Astro today or wait for something like resumability to be added to React?

What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?
04.What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

qwik, partial, hydration


What do you think about resumability and Qwik? About 9 months ago, there was talk about Wiz and Angular working more closely together (Wiz was the tool that inspired Qwik). But Angular only committed to working on partial hydration support, not the full resumability like Qwik. So do you think React developers should care about this? If so, should they use partial hydration tools like Astro today or wait for something like resumability to be added to React?

What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?
04.What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

qwik, partial, hydration


What do you think about resumability and Qwik? About 9 months ago, there was talk about Wiz and Angular working more closely together (Wiz was the tool that inspired Qwik). But Angular only committed to working on partial hydration support, not the full resumability like Qwik. So do you think React developers should care about this? If so, should they use partial hydration tools like Astro today or wait for something like resumability to be added to React?

What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?
04.What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

qwik, partial, hydration


What do you think about resumability and Qwik? About 9 months ago, there was talk about Wiz and Angular working more closely together (Wiz was the tool that inspired Qwik). But Angular only committed to working on partial hydration support, not the full resumability like Qwik. So do you think React developers should care about this? If so, should they use partial hydration tools like Astro today or wait for something like resumability to be added to React?

What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?
04.What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

qwik, partial, hydration


What do you think about resumability and Qwik? About 9 months ago, there was talk about Wiz and Angular working more closely together (Wiz was the tool that inspired Qwik). But Angular only committed to working on partial hydration support, not the full resumability like Qwik. So do you think React developers should care about this? If so, should they use partial hydration tools like Astro today or wait for something like resumability to be added to React?

What are your thoughts about Qwik and hydration?

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