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Listen to chats with Kent C. Dodds here.

Find all episodes of my podcast below.

Listen to the podcasts here

Featured episode

User Experience and Web Development with Ryan Florence

Season 5 Episode 16 — 18:11
Ryan Florence
A SM7B Microphone

What's this all about?

The goal of the Chats with Kent Podcast is to help you become a better person. With each episode, there's a key takeaway and a specific action item to help you on your path to becoming the best person you can be.

Before each show, I ask the guest to share with me the change they would like to see in the world. Any change at all. Whether it's related to software development or not. And then we brainstorm a specific thing we can invite you to do at the end of the show to help push that change in the world along. Something small, but meaningful.

Once we know what we want to commit you to, I kick things off and try to steer the conversation in a direction that will prepare you to accept that invitation and hopefully help you make that change in your life. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

Enjoy the show.

Chats with Kent C. Dodds Season 1 — 14 episodes

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