How to write a React Component in TypeScript

March 4th, 2021 β€” 8 min read

by Jonny Gios
by Jonny Gios
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Here's our component without types:

const operations = {
	'+': (left, right) => left + right,
	'-': (left, right) => left - right,
	'*': (left, right) => left * right,
	'/': (left, right) => left / right,

function Calculator({ left, operator, right }) {
	const result = operations[operator](left, right)
	return (
				{left} {operator} {right} = <output>{result}</output>

const examples = (
		<Calculator left={1} operator="+" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="-" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="*" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="/" right={2} />

Right there you may notice we do things a little differently. Maybe you prefer this instead:

const Calculator = ({ left, operator, right }) => (
			{left} {operator} {right} ={' '}
			<output>{operations[operator](left, right)}</output>

I don't like the implicit return there. It means you can't reasonably declare variables or use hooks. So even for simple components, I never go with this approach.

Ok, so maybe you do this:

const Calculator = ({ left, operator, right }) => {
	const result = operations[operator](left, right)
	return (
				{left} {operator} {right} = <output>{result}</output>

Honestly, that's fine most of the time. I personally like the hoisting characteristics of function declarations rather than function expressions like that (learn more).

Alright, let's add some types to this. For functions, you need to consider the types coming in and the types going out. Let's start with the input: props. To start, let's go with a simple type for the props (we'll improve it later):

type CalculatorProps = {
	left: number
	operator: string
	right: number

With that, let's try some options for applying that type to the props object in our React Component.

A common method to typing a React component is to use one of the generics that are built-into @types/react (I mean, it's built-in right? So what could go wrong?). Interestingly, you cannot type a function declaration this way, so we'll have to use a function expression:

const Calculator: React.FC<CalculatorProps> = ({ left, right, operator }) => {
	// implementation clipped for brevity

This works pretty well, but there are three major problems with this:

  1. Our Calculator function now accepts a children prop, even though we don't do anything with it πŸ™ƒ (So, this compiles: <Calculator left={1} operator="+" right={2}>What?</Calculator>).
  2. You can't use generics. Not super common, but definitely a downside.
  3. We have to use a function expression and can't use a function declaration.

Ok ok, so maybe #3 isn't a major problem, but #1 is pretty significant. There are a few other smaller issues laid out in this excellent GitHub issue if you want to dive deeper (also check the React TypeScript Cheatsheet). Suffice it to say, don't use React.FC (or its longer alias React.FunctionComponent).

One of the things I love about React components is that they aren't all that special. Here's the definition of a React component:

A React component is a function that returns something React can render.

Now, according to @types/react, we're limited to null and React.ReactNodes, but React can actually render strings, numbers, and booleans as well. In any case, because a React component is simply a function that returns something React can render, typing it can be just as straightforward as typing functions. You don't have to do anything special just because it's React.

So here's how I'd type the props for this component:

function Calculator({ left, operator, right }: CalculatorProps) {
	// implementation clipped for brevity

This doesn't have any of the shortcomings of React.FC and it's no more complicated than typing the arguments to a regular function.

Ok, so what about the return value? Well, we could type it as React.ReactElement or even wider as a React.ReactNode. But honestly, I side with my friend Nick McCurdy when he says that mistakes can easily be made causing the return type to be too wide. So even outside a react context, I default to not specifying the return type (rely on inference) unless necessary. And that's the case here.

Improving the CalculatorProps type

Ok, now this next bit doesn't have a lot to do with typing React components, but I thought you'd find it interesting anyway, so skip ahead if you don't. Let's improve the CalculatorProps type. As a reminder, here's what we have so far:

// I took the liberty of typing each of these functions as well:
const operations = {
	'+': (left: number, right: number): number => left + right,
	'-': (left: number, right: number): number => left - right,
	'*': (left: number, right: number): number => left * right,
	'/': (left: number, right: number): number => left / right,

type CalculatorProps = {
	left: number
	operator: string
	right: number
function Calculator({ left, operator, right }: CalculatorProps) {
	const result = operations[operator](left, right)
	return (
				{left} {operator} {right} = <output>{result}</output>

I think the left and right types are fine. It's the operator that I'm unhappy with. Using string is too wide. There are specific operations that are allowed. For example, what would happen if we tried:

const element = <Calculator left={1} operator="wut" right={2} />

That right there is what we call a runtime exception my friends. That is... unless you have strict mode on, in which case you'd have a compilation error on operations[operator]. In strict mode, TypeScript will correctly know that accessing any string from the operations object will not necessarily return a callable function.

There are plenty of ways to solve this problem. Basically, we want to limit the operator to only the supported operators. We can do that with a simple union type:

type CalculatorProps = {
	left: number
	operator: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
	right: number

But if we decided to add the Exponentiation Operator (**), then we'd have to update not only the operations object, but also the operator type which would be annoying. Maybe there's a way we can derive the type for the operator based on the operations object? Why, yes there is!

type CalculatorProps = {
	left: number
	operator: keyof typeof operations
	right: number

typeof operations is going to get us a type that describes the operations object, which is roughly equal to:

type operations = {
	'+': (left: number, right: number) => number
	'-': (left: number, right: number) => number
	'*': (left: number, right: number) => number
	'/': (left: number, right: number) => number

The keyof part will take all the keys of that type, resulting in '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' πŸŽ‰


Here's the finished version (I typed the operations functions as well):

const operations = {
	'+': (left: number, right: number): number => left + right,
	'-': (left: number, right: number): number => left - right,
	'*': (left: number, right: number): number => left * right,
	'/': (left: number, right: number): number => left / right,

type CalculatorProps = {
	left: number
	operator: keyof typeof operations
	right: number

function Calculator({ left, operator, right }: CalculatorProps) {
	const result = operations[operator](left, right)
	return (
				{left} {operator} {right} = <output>{result}</output>

const examples = (
		<Calculator left={1} operator="+" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="-" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="*" right={2} />
		<Calculator left={1} operator="/" right={2} />

I hope that gives you an idea of a good way to type your React components. Good luck and take care!

P.S. One thing I don't like at all about our solution is we have to type each of the operations functions. Interestingly, this is a bit of a rabbit hole, but at the other end of it, the types are definitely better and you learn a few tricks along the way. Originally that was part of this blog post, but I decided to move it to its own post. Read all about it here: How to write a Constrained Identity Function (CIF) in TypeScript.

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Kent C. Dodds
Written by Kent C. Dodds

Kent C. Dodds is a JavaScript software engineer and teacher. Kent's taught hundreds of thousands of people how to make the world a better place with quality software development tools and practices. He lives with his wife and four kids in Utah.

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