Hello, Kent! My name is Petar and I'm from Bulgaria. I'd like to ask your opinion on this question: Do you think that the "Epic Stack" is relevant for people who are relatively new to web development? Here's some information about me: my interest in web development started about a year ago. Currently, I feel really confident in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and TypeScript. I have read a lot of books and completed numerous courses on these topics, including the HTML course on web.dev, the CSS course by Josh Comeau, the books by Nicholas Zakas on JavaScript, the JS course by Dan Abramov, Epic React, and the "Learning TypeScript" book by Josh Goldberg. I also purchased your testing course but haven't had the chance to complete it yet. Currently, I don't have a job, but I'm planning to land one soon.
My question to you, again, is whether you think sticking with the Epic Stack would be beneficial for me, or if it's better to focus on already established technologies in the market such as Redux, Next.js, etc. I just want to hear your honest opinion, even if it may be (or become) wrong.